The Virtual Reality Laboratory is devoted to understanding virtual environments and their implications for human behavior and experiences and for society in general. The following research projects set out to conduct pioneering research in the field of virtual environments.
2010-2011 RISE 2011:Research on Innovative Solutions for Elderly Workshop (Kryspin-Exner/Stetina/Kothgassner/Felnhofer)
2011-2012 RISE 2012: Research on Innovative Solutions for Elderly Workshop (Kryspin-Exner/Kothgassner/Felnhofer/Hlavacs)
2011-2013 ICARUS Project: Information and Communication TechnologyApplications: Research on Usability Solutions (Kryspin-Exner/Kothgassner/Felnhofer/Hlavacs)
2011-2014 Schuhfried CogniPlus Evaluation and Validation Study (Kothgassner/Felnhofer)
2011-2012 Closing the Gap: Social Inclusion of EndUsers (Kryspin-Exner)
2012-2013 RISE 2013: Research on Innovative Solutions for Elderly Workshop (Kryspin-Exner/Felnhofer/Kothgassner)
2012-2014 Schuhfried Kognitive Basistestung Validierungsstudie (Felnhofer/Kothgassner)
2012-2015 PRESENCE: Gender and Presence in Virtual Environments (Felnhofer/Kothgassner)
2012- Social Stress in virtual environments (Kothgassner/Felnhofer)
2013-2014 SOLICE: Social and physical presence in lighting condition exposures (Kothgassner/Felnhofer)
2013-2014 ISPR 2014: Conference of the International Society for Presence Research (Felnhofer/Kothgassner)